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A beginner’s guide to quickly improving your rankings on Google

The ultimate goal of any SEO campaign is reaching the top spot on the search engine results page. Being featured on the first page is very beneficial, however, the top spot is the most sought after. Once you reach this position, your Click Through Rate (CTR) will be at least 200% higher than the result in the second position. Yes, really!

Focus on your onsite SEO first

Before attempting link building and trying to improve your rankings, it is essential you address any technical issues on your website that could be affecting your SEO. This will ensure you have a good foundation from which to work from. Make sure your website is mobile friendly, loads quickly, is easy to use and includes visuals. All these things will improve the experience for your users as well as improve your SEO campaign. This is because, Google rewards sites that are user friendly as they want users of Google to reach the best possible sites.

Domain authority should be the centre of any campaign

Domain authority is a ranking metric that was developed by Moz. It is a measure of the power of a domain and it predicts how well a site will rank on Google. Each website is scored from 1-100, and a low domain authority can result in a big loss of traffic and rankings.

According to Moz, your domain authority is determined by over 40 factors! This means, your domain authority is a sum of several parts and increasing it should be part of your overall strategy. The scale used is logarithmic, meaning it is far harder to improve your score from say 50-60, than 20-30.

Improving your domain authority is not something that will happen overnight. It is a long term process that takes work.

Clean up your backlink profile

Before you start your SEO campaign to improve your rankings, you need to ensure your current backlink profile is healthy. Google rewards variety and high quality links. Some link building strategies will only result in your site being penalised by Google. If your backlink profile is unhealthy, you need to remove any negative links. You can use SEMrush to check your current links and their toxic score.

Creating high quality links

Moving forward, you need to ensure you are securing high quality links. You need to create well-written, informative content that people actually want to read and ensure they are published on well respected sites.

One way to secure links is by using forums. Quora is a great place to start and anytime you see a question pop up in your niche you can answer it. Make sure your answers are informative, very detailed and include a link to your site, only if natural. You will be penalised if you are seen to be spamming. This is a great way to build links as you are actually helping other people. You can also find forums in your niche

Another way to create links is by linking to other sites in your blogs. Once published, you can email these sites, informing them that you have linked to them, and asking them to have a read and share, if they wish. Make sure you are not being pushy and do not expect a very high response rate.

You can also create roundup posts by reaching out to people in your industry and asking them to answer a question. Don’t ask more than one or your response rate will be very low. Hopefully, some of these experts will then share your article.

For more information on how to create a successful SEO campaign, get in touch with the Webahead team today.


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