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Can’t find the right domain name? Try this…

If you’re setting up a new website for your business, you’ll have a lot to consider, and one such factor will be your domain name. You might think the look and content of your website come first, and of course, they are crucial but don’t neglect your domain name.

First Impressions count

You’ve heard the phrase: you never get a second chance to make a first impression, well that applies to your domain name too, so do give it due consideration. After all, your domain name may be the first thing potential customers know of your company.

Improves your online presence

In fact, the right domain name will help your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO), strengthening your business’s online presence and helping your company to be found and chosen, as opposed to your competitors.

Establishes your brand

The right domain name will also help build your brand, and establish your tone of voice for that brand.

Be distinct from your competitors

So you want to choose a name that is distinct from your competitors and stands out from the crowd. So don’t use words that are too run of the mill.

Short and simple

Remember, the most successful websites have domain names that are short, snappy and memorable. Consider how some website names have become part and parcel of our everyday language like ‘google’. We can all learn from their example regarding style and length, so keep your name snappy and simple, so it’s easy to say and to spell. Here are a few ideas on how to choose your domain name:

Your domain name

Compose new words, rewrite familiar words differently or use an online thesaurus to find unusual words that describe your business. Also, browse online and use a domain name generator to help you come up with ideas, as they can be of assistance in utilising keywords and will show you what domain names are available. They may well prove the springboard from which you will come up with a far more creative idea.

Straightforward is best

In choosing your domain name, ensure it’s straightforward to pronounce, spell and type. Avoid symbols, characters or numbers that could confuse, like 2, to, two or too, for example. Also, don’t break up your brand name with a hyphen as that could weaken your online presence, for if a customer puts the hyphen in the wrong place when searching online your business may not come up in searches.

Once you’ve come up with a name you like, tell your friends, family and colleagues; and ask them to write it down for you – then choose the spelling that comes up most often. So there you have a few ideas on how to go about choosing your new domain name.

Your website

To create and secure the right domain name for your business; and to set up a new website for your business, call in the team at Webahead.


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