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How to hone your online store’s SEO as the ‘new normal’ takes effect

After the last two years, you couldn’t blame people for feeling reticent about leaving the house even just to go shopping. It could take quite a while for our pre-pandemic habits to fully reassert themselves, if they ever do. Nonetheless, all of this does bode well if you currently run an online store…

That’s because, for the foreseeable future, many of us could remain more comfortable with shopping online than in person. So, here’s how you can help your store to rank highly in Google’s search results…

Optimise individual product pages, not just the site as a whole

Let’s assume that your ecommerce site specialises in selling consumer electronics. Yes, you could optimise your site for relatively general keywords like ‘smartphones’ and ‘smartwatches’ – but this could help you little if you want to catch attention from people looking for specific products, like the iPhone 13.

So, you should naturally include the likes of ‘iPhone 13’ and ‘new iPhones’ in your site’s keyword armoury. With terms like these, though, you should make a priority of placing them in the meta descriptions and title tags of the relevant product pages – like those for, yes, iPhone 13 models – rather than just the homepage.

After all, when someone uses Google to search specifically for an online store selling an iPhone 13, it wouldn’t be immediately useful to them if the first of your webpages listed in the search results was your homepage. It would be more convenient for a specific iPhone 13 page of your site to take the higher spot.

Find creative ways of internal linking

Your online store could easily end up with lots of internal links anyway – for example, if you arrange for us to provide you with an ecommerce website design. However, what exactly is internal linking? Simple: it’s when your website links to webpages located elsewhere on the same site.

The more internal links you add, the more you can help to keep visitors engaged and enhance the site’s SEO (search engine optimisation). You should, however, make sure your links serve a practical purpose for many of the people who are likely to see them.

If the above-mentioned online store selling consumer electronics has its own blog, it could be given an article detailing ways for readers to work towards their fitness goals for 2022. This content could, at certain points, highlight specific fitness bands and link to the corresponding product pages.

If you don’t consider yourself a dab hand at writing, don’t worry – we have digital copywriters who would be able to pen blog posts for your site on your behalf.

Build links from other sources – but in a ‘natural’ way

For ‘natural’, read ‘non-spammy’. For example, if a social media influencer reviews a product from your site and links to the relevant product page in the process, Google should look favourably on this.

If you are reluctant to approach other people to ask them to link to your site, our SEO specialists could do the asking for you.

How to hone your online store’s SEO as the ‘new normal’ takes effect

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