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How to write product reviews rich in insight

Certain products you have bought will inevitably need replacing at one point or another; think, say, a car, a smartphone, or exercise gear. Furthermore, when you do need to buy replacement items, you will be able to choose from a staggeringly vast range of products on the market.

This situation helps to explain why you can build an online following by providing in-depth reviews of products as they are launched. However, as writing appraisals like these is much easier said than done, you ought to heed the following tips…

In each review, start by introducing the product 

Yes, it is the product itself you should be introducing here, not the product type. That means getting straight to the point by providing a rundown of: 

  • The product name 
  • The company or brand that made the product 
  • Where people can buy the product 
  • What the product is supposed to do 

Near the top of the page, you could also include a box that rates the product — such as on a scale of 1 to 5 — and sums up the gist of the review.

You have to remember that many people who see that review will be in a hurry, and won’t have time to scroll right through the page just to get basic facts about what you are critiquing.

Focus on benefits, not just features 

Sure, if you are reviewing a new smartphone, it would be good for you to reel off various specs about it — like what processor it houses and how much onboard storage it has.

However, much of that particular information could come across as gobbledegook to people who aren’t too tech-savvy — and that describes a lot of people! You should therefore make sure your review dives into enlightening detail about how the product actually works in practice. 

For examples of how to do this, look at this Expert Reviews take on last year’s “iPhone SE 3”.

While this review says that “Apple has fitted it with its A15 Bionic processor”, which is a feature of the product, it is further revealed that the phone is “faster than its predecessor”, the 2nd-generation iPhone SE released in 2020. That enhanced speed is a benefit of the newer SE.

Detail both advantages and drawbacks of the product 

You are unlikely to find yourself in a situation where you genuinely struggle to think of any meaningful disadvantages of a product you are testing out for reviewing purposes. After all, different products are intended for different purposes and aimed at different types of people.

For example, while the above-mentioned iPhone SE review hails the device’s “great” camera, there is slightly more caution in the acknowledgement that “the display looks lovely (as long as you’re not bothered by the slow 60Hz refresh rate)”.

If you are not entirely convinced that you could write high-quality reviews like this for your website, you could always arrange for Webahead copywriters to write you product reviews in a way that would help them to fare well from an SEO perspective, too.

How to write product reviews rich in insight

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