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Location pages: why might your company’s website need them?

Eager though you might be to trim as much unnecessary flab as possible from your website’s map of pages, certain pages can be more useful than they may appear at first glance. We would very much place “location pages” into this category, especially as you might not quite realise what they actually are.

Put simply, if your business relies on regularly meeting its customers or clients face-to-face, it can easily benefit from location pages – in other words, pages each dedicated to a location where your firm is based.

You need to tell people where you are

Well, this is an obvious reason to make room in your website structure for location pages. However, far from just a repository for details of where a certain office, shop, warehouse or different property occupied by your business is based, a location page can help its visitor to physically reach that building, too.

Naturally, you should include an address for people to input into their sat-navs. However, you should also include maps and details of local attractions so that people can pinpoint your base even more confidently.

You can provide an insight into your workplace culture

What kind of company do you run? Believe it or not, its publicity materials might not quite tell the full story. The likes of brochures and leaflets could show only a veneer, and that’s why location pages provide you with a golden opportunity to show what genuinely happens within the bounds of your workplace.

Don’t shy away from including succinct but informative biographies of team members, allowing you to paint a detailed picture of the office before a visiting client even sets foot in it.

Those location pages are good for SEO, too

If you run a community-facing business like a bricks-and-mortar supermarket, bookstore or office, chances are that someone nearby is looking for a business that closely matches yours in description. Furthermore, when they look for it, they are naturally likely to rope in Google for assistance.

Therefore, if your business has, say, an office in South Shields, you could more easily attract that person to your business if its site includes a location page dedicated to South Shields. The searcher might not even need to mention the town in their search query, as Google could detect their location anyway.

In that situation, your location page, including keywords like “office in South Shields”, could pop up on the first page of Google’s results. When you contact our team at Webahead to enquire about one of our web design packages, we can make sure the package we provide to you has room for location pages.

You can maintain Google users’ interest – not just pique it

As someone local lands on a location page of your site, you want to give them good reasons to stay – ideally long enough to decide to become a paying customer. You can more easily convert them in this way if you include details of local events and news updates on that page.

location pages

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