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Tips for creating a landing page that converts

A landing page is any page that receives traffic from anywhere apart from the other pages on your company’s site. A successful landing page is one that drives conversions and is tailored towards what the visitors are looking for. These could be visitors coming from social media, emails, PPC campaigns, and organic search. Landing pages give you the opportunity to separate visitors and direct them towards specific information.

If your landing page is focused on email sign up, you should be aiming for a 40% conversion rate and if you are selling a product, you could be aiming for 3-4% or even 10%. These might seem impossible, but this blog outlines exactly how you can activate these rates.

Keep it simple

The most successful landing pages are simple and get to the point straight away. If you have ten form fields, which could be condensed to two, remove all the extras. You should also remove any unnecessarily long copy that is repetitive. Long, rambling conversion pages do not convert well. Tools like Instapage, Click Funnels and LeadPages have proved this. Their data is based on thousands of customers and their current conversion rates. Their data shows that simplicity is best.

Keep your page free of distracting information and focus your visitors towards a desired action. The headline needs to immediately capture their attention and tell them exactly what steps they should take to convert.

Include trust signals

Trust signals are vital on any landing page. You could consider including badges and icons to show your achievements and your validation from other companies. You can also include testimonials or case studies, and try to include an image with each. The type of trust signal you include will depend on your business and the landing page you are creating.

Use visuals

Visuals are essential for almost every webpage, and for landing pages, in particular. You could include data driven visuals, such as graphics and charts, although make sure not to overwhelm the visitor with these. Including real photos of the people behind your business, can also increase your conversions as they showcase the more human side of your company.

Keep in mind that not everyone likes reading and often people can be put off by chunks of text. If you need to explain something, consider using a video. This will allow you to explain everything people will get when they opt-in or buy your product. However, these still need to be concise and clear. Aim for under 1 minute, or worst case, under three minutes. Videos can increase the lifetime value of your conversions.

Go above and beyond

Just asking your visitors to leave an email and name can often be futile. You go above and beyond and entice them in. You could offer them a free course or a detailed information booklet. You need to solve a problem for them and explain why they should opt-in.


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