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What to tell a graphic designer when asking for their help

If you’ve never previously approached a graphic designer to seek their assistance, you could understandably have a fair few questions buzzing around your head – like how much input a graphic designer will insist on having and how you can “test the waters” with a specific designer before potentially committing to them.

Even trying to decide when you should ask for a graphic designer’s help can feel like stabbing in the dark – but, when you do ask, you should fill them in on all of the following…

What you want to communicate

One common myth about graphic designers is that they don’t really care about text, and instead just devote all of their attention to making it look nice. On the contrary, however, graphic designers are very interested in knowing what the client wants to say – as graphic design is itself a strong form of communication.

So, when you do rope in a graphic designer, don’t be surprised if they ask you what exactly you are trying to say with your website, article, flyer or whatever else it is you want them to prettify.

Your business goals

Of course, these will inform what you want to convey with your marketing. Another enduring myth about graphic designers is that they aren’t too concerned with the business side of things, and are happy to just provide you with any design you want, regardless of your business-related reasons for wanting it.

Yes, there’s a “but” coming: the graphic designer you strike up a relationship with will actually want to know what product or service you hope the finished design will assist you in selling. Once they do know, the designer can then put together something geared towards helping you to meet your specific goals.

What your brand is about

The graphic designer will want to create you something capable of slotting easily into your established marketing campaign, sliding into place like the jigsaw piece you never even realised you had been missing. This is why the designer will probably also ask you about your brand.

You should be careful not to confuse your brand with your company. While your company is a technical entity, your brand is essentially how your company is perceived and the feelings it fosters. When your brand is moving in the right direction, it can help you to more cost-effectively attract customers.

Whether you know what the design should look like

Don’t worry if you honestly don’t even have an inkling of how the design should look. If this is the case, though, you should be honest about it with the graphic designer. You should let them know, for example, if you are clueless about how colours differ in the emotions they tend to evoke.

Once you have got in touch with one of our graphic designers, they can advise you about various aspects of graphic design, including typography and even basic design principles. Just call 01325 582112 or to start discussing your graphic design needs with a member of our team.


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