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4 lead generation techniques to try out this year

Lead generation is the word on every digital marketer’s lips. It’s easy to build a website and attract an audience on social media – but how do you turn those users into customers? To give you a helping hand, we’ve rounded up four effective lead generation techniques that you need to try if you want to sell your products and services to a bigger audience.

Live video

Whether you like it or not, video is one of the biggest marketing techniques on the internet today. And, by the end of this year, video is expected to account for an incredible 74% of all online traffic – so it’s essential that you produce video content if you want to get eyeballs on your brand. And, with the rise of live video on YouTube and Facebook, there’s never been a better time to dive into the deep end and produce video content that users want to see, such as live product demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and coverage of your events.

When you compare video content to banner advertisements and written content, video is the most effective lead generation and conversion tool you have at your disposal. You can speak to your customers on a human level and demonstrate to them why they should invest in your brand. If you use live video, your content can evolve and head in different directions based on the needs and values of your audience. This instant feedback is invaluable.

Content marketing

Content is king. It’s an all too common phrase, but it’s just as true today as it was a couple of years ago. Producing quality content is one of the best ways of building your brand. Content not only helps with your website’s SEO and organic traffic, but it allows you to tell stories, communicate the key benefits of products and services and develop a sales funnel that can be used again and again to generate sales and keep people coming back.

When you hear the words content marketing, the chances are that you jump straight to the idea of a company blog, but content marketing is much more than that. As well as posting regular content to your own website, you should consider the value of guest blogging and sponsored posts, and also keep your social media channels updated with original content. 

Landing pages

 If you’ve never experimented with pay-per-click advertising and landing pages, then you’re missing out on an almost guaranteed audience and the chance to convert users into leads. Over the past few years, pay-per-click advertising has changed significantly, with Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, two of the biggest players in the ad world, diversifying their services and offering more ways to promote your brand.

Set up a landing page using a service like Wix, Pagewiz or Optimizely, and then use A/B testing to get the most out of your new pages. From there, you can bring people to your new page using AdWords or Facebook Ads, and optimise your pay-per-click campaigns to reach the right audiences. Wordtracker has put together a great guide to successful pay-per-click campaigns, which includes researching your keyword, varying your ads and using reports and analytics to improve the effectiveness and conversion rates of your campaigns.

Email marketing

Building a mailing list is one of the best lead generation techniques today. It’s up to you how you choose to capture your user’s email addresses – blogging regularly, offering a valuable newsletter, running a competition or dangling the carrot with a freebie or free trial are just some of the options that you can take. And don’t think doing this is easy – building a mailing list can take time and eat into your marketing department’s resources, but it’s worth it.

And, when you do manage to get the email addresses of your prospects, you’ll then be able to send them marketing messages that are tailored to their needs. If a group of customers signed up for emails about a particular topic, for example, you can send them bespoke emails that promote your products and services, or you could alert them to new content to keep them coming back to your site and reading about your products and services.

Generating leads isn’t easy, but the results almost certainly make it worthwhile. Whether you’re new to marketing your business or you have years of experience, test out these techniques and see what works for you. Good luck!


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