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4 ways to rejig (or ‘rej-egg’) your website for Easter

This year, the Easter weekend runs from 29th March (Good Friday) to 1st April (Easter Monday). So, you’ve got time to give your company’s website something of an Easter theme while people prepare to stock up on chocolate eggs.

You can potentially draw in more customers or clients just by taking the following steps — none of which would necessarily have to take a lot of time out of your day.

Add Easter-related products to your online store 

Of course, if you are running an online shop generously stocked with products, many of them might already be at least loosely connected to Easter. Some chocolate treats, for example, can be enjoyed at this time of year but remain available all year around.

Nonetheless, this isn’t generally the case with chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies. If you want to add any of these items to your stock, keep in mind that we offer CMS (Content Management Systems) packages that would help you to quickly and easily post new webpages for product listings.

Use pop-ups to draw attention to special offers 

Easter can be a great time to launch a sale, but how can you get the great new deals noticed? One idea would be to use ‘pop-ups’ — basically informative panels that ‘pop up’ on webpages in response to a specific user action, e.g. moving the cursor away from the browser window.

While longtime internet users might remember ‘pop-ups’ that would customarily appear as extra windows, they now tend to be attached to the existing webpage’s interface. As a result, modern pop-ups feel appreciably less intrusive than those of yesteryear.

Decorate your website with Easter-themed graphics

It’s not hard to imagine what kind of imagery you could utilise here. Yes, we are thinking of the usual suspects, like eggs and bunnies — but you could still fashion some unique, creative, even amusing touches from familiar motifs like these.

Imagine temporarily replacing any ‘o’ in your brand’s logo with an egg. Another idea is to show a hot cross bun — with its familiar ‘X’ — in place of the ‘X’ the website visitor would usually click to close a pop-up. We have graphic designers who could create all of these images for you.

Launch a virtual Easter egg hunt on your website 

Easter egg hunts are traditionally enjoyed year after year, but why not shake things up a bit by inviting people to search the website itself for Easter eggs?

No, this isn’t a reference to any chocolate eggs you offer for sale. What you would do is simply insert little graphical illustrations of eggs into various parts of the website — and challenge people to find all of those eggs (yes, do specify in advance how many of them there actually are in total).

Anyone who does uncover all of the eggs (and reports back to you with evidence) could be given a special prize, even if it’s just a hefty discount. Why not ask our web designers to help you conceal the eggs in deviously clever ways?

4 ways to rejig (or ‘rej-egg’) your website for Easter

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