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5 AdWords features you didn’t know existed

Over the past several years, Google AdWords has gone from a ‘nice to have’ to an indispensable marketing tool used by many of the world’s most successful businesses. But are you taking full advantage of all of the tools the platform has to offer? Below, we’ve rounded up five AdWords features that you may not have known about.


Customer matching

AdWords is about much more than attracting new customers to your website – indeed, you can use the platform to remarket your products and services to existing customers. Upload a batch of customer email addresses to the AdWords Dashboard, and you’ll be able to show those prospects advertisements when they’re accessing Search, YouTube or Gmail.


Call-only campaigns

For some businesses, getting a potential customer on the phone is much more valuable than having them land on their websites. That’s where call-only campaigns come in – advertising slots that focus exclusively on a phone call conversion. Available only on mobile devices, call-only campaigns feature a large clickable number and a ‘call’ button for easy interaction.


AdWords Editor

If you’re responsible for a large AdWords campaign and want to manage all of your clients in one place, the AdWords Editor is the best tool for the job. Available to download on Windows and Mac computers, you can use the software’s bulk editing tools to make changes to your campaigns, view statistics and edit your campaigns when you’re offline.


Interest targeting

No longer do you need to target your campaigns by a keyword alone. Now, you can target audiences by interest to increase your advertisement’s chances of success. Use in-market audience to target audiences who are actively searching for and comparing products and services in your industry, and opt for affinity audiences if you’d like to reach based on overall interests and identities. Mixing both in separate campaigns is also a solution.


Ad customizers 

Ad customizers allow you to change your campaign based on what the end user’s search query is. If, for example, you’re promoting several products in the same category, you can set up your campaigns to target a specific product that the user is searching for.


If you’re not already taking advantage of these lesser-known AdWords features, jump into your account and start experimenting today. The more tools you have at your disposal, the easier it will be to target the right customers and make more out of your marketing budget.


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