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How to get more out of Google Analytics

When it comes to monitoring your website’s traffic, Google Analytics is one of the most effective tools to consider. Estimates suggest that as many as 50 million websites use Analytics to find out more about their visitors, but many users don’t understand the power each of the suite’s tools has to offer. Below, we’ve put together some top tips on how to get more out of your Google Analytics.



It’s all well and good driving a million visitors to your site, but there’s little point if none of them converts into a customer. Engagement allows you to consider the quality of traffic on your website. When a visitor lands on your site, they’ll read their current page, click to another page or exit. Engagement monitors these actions and helps you understand more about the levels of engagement from your visitors.

  • Pages per Visit: The number of pages a visitor will click through when they visit your website, on average. The higher the number, the more engaging your website is.
  • Average Time on Site: Does what it says on the tin. How average times could mean that your web pages are not compelling.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of single-page visits to your website. A high bounce rate could mean that your page is not optimised for engagement.



Setting Goals is one of Google Analytics’ most powerful features. By setting outcome-oriented goals, you can see whether your visitors are engaging with your website. You can track any of the four following goal types:

  • Time on Site: If you want to measure engagement, this tool will help you track the amount of time a visitor spends on your website. Linked to Bounce Rate.
  • Events: Setting an Event Goal allows you to track a specific action.
  • Pages per Visit: If you want your audience to click through to several pages, this Goal will help you see whether your customers are sticking around.
  • URL destination: Measures visits to a particular part of your website, such as a homepage or a post-purchase page.


By taking the time to delve deeper into Google Analytics, you will be able to find rich data that you can use to improve your website. One major part of digital marketing is starting with a well-designed site. If you’d like a website that can help you increase leads and grow your brand, get in touch with Webahead to arrange a free web design quote today.


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