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5 brands showing how to market effectively on Twitter

Whatever your attitude towards Twitter, there’s no doubt that many brands there are “killing it”, as the younger crowd would put it, when it comes to fostering engagement on the microblogging site. However, there’s no simple recipe for success in Twitter-based marketing.

Indeed, crucial to the beauty — and excitement — of marketing on Twitter is that you can do so in many different ways. Here are five examples of brands that are acing the promotion game on the social media site — and not always in ways you might expect. 

innocent drinks 

You have probably seen the distinctive logo of this ethical drinks maker on plenty of smoothie cartons in your local supermarket. 

However, even if you are familiar with the ‘innocent Big Knit’, the brand’s charitable campaign aimed at encouraging people to knit little bobble hats for innocent smoothie bottles, you might not have realised just how quirky — and non-drinks-related — innocent’s tweets often get.

During the 2015 UK General Election, the @innocent Twitter account even got #DogsAtPollingStations trending

Arena Flowers

Like innocent, Arena Flowers prides itself on being an ethical company, and even brands itself “the UK’s most ethical florist” in its Twitter bio at @ArenaFlowers

However, the material the company actually tweets is a very different matter, with the account often throwing up some random gems as “that is why I believe limousines should be called sausage cars” and “What is your dog’s body language really saying to you?” 


When you want to generate excitement about your company, it could help if you endeavour to tap into customers’ FOMO (fear of missing out). McDonald’s does exactly that by launching limited-edition products and advertising them on its Twitter page, which has the @McDonalds handle.

The fast-food chain often does this with a dollop of humour, too — as in the case of its Szechuan Sauce launch in early 2022, when one tweet read: “comment szechuan and i’ll tell u which packet u are”.


Admittedly, this streaming service does have a major advantage over competitors simply due to its vast amount of content, including Disney classics dating back almost a century. 

However, Disney+ certainly doesn’t rest on its laurels. Over on its Twitter portal at @disneyplus, followers can enjoy not only updates about upcoming films and TV shows but also behind-the-scenes snippets, like interviews with actors, as well as other news more loosely related to Disney.


You could too easily assume that the particular product you offer is so boring, you couldn’t possibly make it come across as exciting even on a supposedly trendy platform like Twitter.

However, toilet paper purveyor Charmin is here to make you think again, with its @Charmin Twitter feed resplendent in such puns as “no butts about it” and “take the throne”.

If you are eager to successfully extend your brand’s own presence to Twitter, our social media marketing experts can carefully guide you in setting up a Twitter page and filling its feed with promotional material designed to attract positive attention from members of your target audience.

5 brands showing how to market effectively on Twitter

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