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5 creative lead generation techniques to try out this year

Lead generation – that is, the process of converting a visitor into a prospective customer – can be challenging; especially if you work in a competitive industry or you have a limited budget. Although it isn’t always easy, it is possible to increase your website’s effectiveness with some simple ‘hacks.’ Below, we’ve rounded up five of the best creative lead generation techniques that you should try out if you want to boost your customer base.


Make ‘how to’ videos for your users

Not every part of your website has to be sales-based. In fact, offering something for free, whether that’s a video tutorial or ‘how-to’ guide, can keep visitors coming back to your website, and allows you to position your company as a ‘resource hub’ within your industry.


Run a giveaway

Giving away a product or service is an effective form of lead generation – indeed, it’s been used by some companies to grow their mailing lists by more than 3,000%. Make sure you’re giving away something valuable – if your product or service is of low value or is not attractive to potential customers, go outside of your industry and offer something with more ‘share appeal.’ The more people that enter your giveaway, the larger the impact your campaign will have, and the more leads you will generate in the process.


Create an email course

Back to offering knowledge for free; create an email course and offer your knowledge and expertise to potential customers. Not only does this position your company as a go-to hub for information, but it allows you to capture email addresses which you can use for later marketing purposes. If you bake in the value of your products or services into your course, too, you can enjoy even greater benefits.


Offer a trial

Offering a free trial of your product or service can help to get a prospective customer’s foot through the door, and help you to demonstrate why they should spend their cash. Ensure you market your free trial carefully – you want to avoid spam sign-ups and visitors that have no intention of spending their money – and ensure follow-ups and interactions are seamless to increase the chances of your visitors signing up for the real service.


Use interactive content 

Interactive content is an engaging method of capturing users’ attention and can be particularly valuable when trying to generate leads. Create a quiz that answers an important question, and asks for an email address before sharing the answers or results.


There you have it – some unique lead generation techniques to consider this year. Before you start marketing your business, make sure you start with a well-designed website. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Webahead Internet today for a free quote.


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