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5 effective ways to attract more visits to your online store

These days, it’s so easy to set up an ecommerce site that you could assume actually selling stuff through that online store would be relatively simple, too. However, the world of ecommerce is very much in the “easy to learn, hard to master” category. So, what can you do if your online sales are flagging? 

You could try one of the following tried-and-tested techniques for boosting traffic to an ecommerce site. While none of these strategies would guarantee success, they would tip the odds further in your favour.

Leverage the power of your social media presence  

Your brand’s social media presence, that is. This move can work well because, while advertising is one traditionally effective way of reaching out to new customers, advertising can be even more impactful when tailored to the people who actually see it. That kind of advertising is possible on social media. 

If you are unsure how to start with social media advertising like this, just let us know and we can soon be by your side – and help you to act on our next tip…

Insert your site’s link into your social media profiles 

Now you see why we made a point of mentioning social media advertising first. As more people come flooding to your brand’s social media pages through clicking on your social media ads, you can nudge these visitors towards the page’s bio section, where your website link could be waiting for them.

Waiting for them to do what? Click on it, naturally – and even people who have only decided to visit your social media profile out of curiosity could be tempted enough to hit that link.

Hone your online store’s SEO

Of course, there comes a point where the online store itself has to take up some of the slack – and that’s why you should be careful to optimise that store’s content for SEO purposes. 

SEO stands for search engine optimisation, and you can get started with it by adding relevant and carefully-chosen keywords to the site’s product titles and descriptions. 

Spur a sales boost by running the occasional promotion

The reason why this works is that promotions are time-limited by nature, meaning that many people who hear of that promotion could be motivated to take advantage of it before they risk missing out. 

As for the promotion itself, it could involve slashing prices across many of the product offerings in your store or instead running a competition. Make sure that, if you mention the promotion on social media, you also ask – and require – people to visit your online store to participate in it.

Set up a customer loyalty scheme  

People who have already bought from your site are likely to do so again – provided, at least, that you give them a strong enough incentive to do so. For example, you could enable them to, with every purchase from your store, collect points redeemable on further purchases from it. We could even overhaul your ecommerce website entirely to freshen it up and further excite your customers. 


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