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5 tools to improve your marketing on Twitter

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are fantastic for boosting engagement and helping you get more customers. Just last week, we spoke about how to use social media to promote your business, and today, we’re going to delve deeper into Twitter. Here are five tools that you can use to improve your social media marketing on the platform.


You can’t always be around to post content about your business, but with TweetDeck, you don’t have to be. This tool, which is owned and managed by Twitter itself, allows you to schedule social media posts for the network well in advance, including media such as images, videos, and GIFs, meaning that your brand will always be present online.


If you want to know when customers are talking about your brand, then consider a tool such as Mention, a media monitoring tool which scours the web and social media to provide you with powerful marketing insights. Used by some of the world’s biggest brands, like Microsoft, ASOS, and Adobe, Mention takes the pressure out of brand management and ensures that you’re responsive when you receive both positive and negative feedback.

Meet Edgar

Scheduling your Twitter posts in advance can save you time, but sometimes the process of doing so can still be time-consuming. Meet Edgar, which is a subscription-based social media management tool, takes your social media posts and saves them to a database. From there, it will drip feed your content back to your followers, again and again, to save you time and ensure that important marketing messages are repeated at times that suit your audience.


With 37% of digital marketers claiming that visual media is the most effective form of content marketing for their business, it’s important that you create visual content to use on social media sites like Twitter. Tweets with images get 150 percent more engagement than those without, so creating attractive graphics, pictures and GIFs is the best way to keep your audience engaged. DesignBold offers a free drag-and-drop graphics maker that can be used to create infographics, social media posts, letterheads, posters and other content.


If you’re running a WordPress website, then you should install the Jetpack plugin. On top of free themes, SEO tools, and enhanced security features, Jetpack includes a ‘Social’ setting which allows you to connect your Twitter profile to it. Then, the second you publish a new post, your blog will be sent as a tweet to your followers for instant promotion. Simple!

Marketing your business using Twitter can be challenging, but by taking advantage of these five tools, you’ll be able to make your life easier and make your marketing messages more effective. Whether you’re responsible for your brand’s marketing or you just want to boost organic traffic going back to your website, make Twitter part of your strategy today.


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