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How to use social media to promote your business

Want to know how to use social media to promote your business?  Then here are a few hints and tips:

  • When you are promoting your products or services via social media, then do so in the context of how they’ll help your customers and solve a dilemma for them.
  • Also, broaden your content to make it more appealing and useful to your audience. Don’t simply use your social media accounts to give updates on your latest deals and offers. Think about how you can use your social media accounts to help your customers and add value to them. So for instance, if your firm undertakes auto repairs and services, think about offering winter driving tips, advice on the seasonal checks customers should undertake on their cars or an update on the new legislation relating to mobile phone usage in cars.
  • Don’t feel the burden always has to rest with you in terms of coming up with original content. Do look around at other industry websites and if they are of help to your customers, recommend them to your followers. Do ‘like’ and retweet other helpful and relevant social media posts.
  • Do engage with your customers. Customers that feel that they’ve received good customer service are more likely to be repeat customers, so do engage with and help your customers online.
  • Just like writing a blog entry or press releases for your company, do reflect human interest and community stories in your social media posts. So if you’re having a coffee morning for charity or running a half marathon for a good cause, then publish a post about it. It will show that yours is a business that cares about more than the bottom line, that yours is a company that cares about the community and thereby help your corporate image too. Mentioning local events and places in the course of your posts will also assist with your local SEO efforts too.
  • If your firm is looking for more staff, then do use your social media accounts to advertise your staff vacancies. It’s a cost-effective means to reach a relevant audience.
  • Keep an eye on the news and from time to time do get involved in timely debates or issues. Google News is a great tool for checking quickly and easily what issues are making the news in your industry. So if you do run a garage, then simply search for ‘car’ or ‘auto’ and click on the ‘news’ option in Google and you’ll see what stories are making the news in your sector.
  • Don’t post social media updates for the sake of it, only post a comment when you have something worthwhile to say – or you risk losing your existing followers.
  • Given that adage that a picture is worth a thousand words – do include a relevant photograph. So for instance, if your firm is getting involved in your local “In Bloom” initiative, do take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs of your horticultural efforts, or a photo of the team with their gardening tools at the ready.

So there you have a few hints and tips on using social media to promote your business. The golden rule of which is to be motivated by how you can help your customers, rather than thinking solely about promoting your business. We hope it will help you get started in using social media for your business.


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