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5 tools you can use to convert more customers

You may think that, by the time you have finished designing your website, you’ll be able to attract hundreds of customers and make money. However, the process of converting visitors into customers isn’t as easy as it sounds. Below, we’ve put together five tools you can use to increase conversion levels on your website.

Live chat tools

Give your visitors a chance to speak to your sales team one on one with a live chat tool. Some of the most popular live chat tools include Tawk, Zoho and Zendesk Chat, but you can find free alternatives which are available as WordPress plugins. Remember that, if you do choose to implement live chat on your website, you’ll need an operator available at all times, or your customers may be disappointed when they can’t get through to you.

A/B testing

One of the best ways to test your conversion rates is to conduct A/B tests. Simply put, you can design two alternate landing pages for your website and test them both against real traffic to see which converts better. From there, you can use the data to make further tweaks to make your web design as efficient and effective as possible.

Offer a freebie

Use a mailing list subscription tool to capture email addresses from your visitors – and offer them a free download in exchange for doing so. Such technique has been tried and tested by thousands of businesses online. After all, growing a mailing list is one of the best ways of generating repeat sales and ensuring visitors keep coming back to your website.

Comparison pages

You can find a whole host of tools online to create your own comparison pages. Build your own, list your features and compare them with your competitors’. By showing customers why you’re the smart choice, they’ll be more likely to click ‘sign up’ and buy from you.

 Feedback tools

Ask your audience what they think about your website and your products – it’s a sure fire way of increasing engagement, keeping them on your side and converting them into customers. Mopinion has put together a guide to the 31 best website feedback tools, with popular choices including Feedbackify, Pulse Insights, UseResponse and Ideascale.

Want to increase conversion rates on your website? Get in touch with Webahead today


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