This month, Apple unveiled two new additions to its burgeoning Apple Watch family: the Apple Watch Series 6, Apple’s flagship wearable complete with a blood oxygen sensor, and the Apple Watch SE, which integrates many of its sibling’s health-conscious features at a lower price.
The cut-price SE’s emergence especially shows how smartwatches are becoming increasingly viable options for fitness buffs – but how can you get through to them on that tiny, wrist-bound screen?
Why smartwatch wearers haven’t quite “ad enough”
In many ways, the smartwatch could be deemed the smartphone in its sleekest, most streamlined form – and not only physically. Wearers of these devices can easily get on with their day, being notified only about essential news and messages and unencumbered by incessant scrolling.
However, this doesn’t mean that these people aren’t receptive to marketing messages at all. It just means you need to be punchy and succinct with those messages you do push to them – and provide information genuinely useful to the recipient.
Save much of your advertising for social media
Brands that have garnered popular profiles on social media are already well-drilled in crafting exactly the kind of “punchy and succinct” message we have just advocated. Knowing how to follow suit will hold you in good stead when you have little screen space in which to make an impression.
Therefore, when marketing specifically to smartwatch users, you should probably leave videos and articles out of your tweets and status updates, as such content could be hard to digest on wearables.
Develop a truly helpful app
While perusing a website on a smartwatch is technically possible, it’s such a compromised experience a lot of the time that many of your target customers could too easily decide against it.
Therefore, you could see the rationale for developing an app where your brand’s presence runs strongly. Nonetheless, the app needs to deliver genuine value to its users – perhaps through offering in-depth health tracking – if you wish to grow your paying customer base.
Make your website smartwatch-friendly
However appealing your app, it’s probably through your website that many people would learn about that app in the first place. Therefore, even if you have already adjusted your site to make it “mobile-friendly”, you should check that it still comes across well on a smartwatch display.
If it doesn’t, we invite you to contact our web design experts, as they could help you to de-clutter your site and, in the process, make it much more usable even on such a space-constrained screen.
Don’t overlook the worth of email marketing
Unlike, say, Twitter marketing, email marketing isn’t necessarily short-form in nature. Still, you could benefit from treating it as a short-form art, as many smartwatch users could only see 12 characters of the subject line and 25 of the email proper before deciding whether or not to delete it.
That’s when your dedication to making a big impression with less can come into play once again – and we can help you with that if you ring us on 01325 582112.