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Brand new: how to revitalise your firm’s corporate identity

Do you ever find yourself wondering why, every time new iPhones are released, millions of people flock to buy them without stopping to consider alternative handsets from our companies? The power of the Apple brand undoubtedly plays a big part…

Research by Nielson has revealed that 59% of consumers favour purchasing new products from brands with which they are already familiar. You can foster loyalty in your own customers – provided that you know the essentials of a powerful brand.

Don’t attempt to be a people pleaser

In business, as in life, there are risks to trying diligently to be all things to all people. If people don’t even know what your company stands for, they can’t easily decide whether your values align with theirs. This situation calls on you to narrow your focus right down to particular target customers.

Consider how the Apple brand is strongly associated with music culture, helping to draw young people towards buying iPhones. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s image is much more formal and corporate – a reflection of the Redmond corporation’s largely business-oriented customer and client base.

Pursue a carefully-defined strategy

If you are considering overhauling your company’s brand in the first place, it’s probably because the company has recently seemed “stuck in a rut” in some fashion. Perhaps your sales and market share have been shrinking, or you are simply struggling to keep the firm growing apace.

In this case, you need to carefully consider your overall objective as you start crafting your brand strategy for the months or even years ahead. This consideration will affect where you should place your logo and branding colours; should they go on brochures or print advertisements, for example?

It makes sense to start your new branding efforts with your website – especially if you intend to reach out to customers through such online content as blog posts. Call 01325 582112 to learn how we can revamp that site and even, with our graphic design services, give you a whole new logo.

Brand new: how to revitalise your firm's corporate identity

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