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Clever ways to target voice search users with your ecommerce site

Now’s an especially good time to be in the ecommerce game. With the closures of high-street shops regularly making the news and over 67% of millennials – as opposed to 56% of Gen Xers – leaning towards online shopping, e-commerce’s popularity looks set to grow yet further.

However, staying competitive in this field entails keeping close account of exactly how people buy online – and, these days, ordering something can be as simple as barking a command to a digital assistant such as Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant housed inside a smart device.

Expect search queries to be more conversational

Let’s assume that you wanted to order a coffee machine online. Whereas you might just type “coffee machines” when searching online in the conventional way, you are likelier to speak in complete searches and phrases when making a voice search query, as though the recipient is actually a person.

Therefore, that just-mentioned example could become “where can I order a bean-to-cup coffee machine” when vocalised, so you should carefully consider this when searching keywords.

Make your ecommerce site mobile-ready

As long ago as 2015, Google reported that searches were more often made on mobile than on desktop. Therefore, you might not be overly surprised by GlobalWebIndex’s revelation that a fifth of voice queries are now conducted via mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Though building a mobile-optimised online store isn’t easy, our ecommerce web design package provides a template suited for getting you moving in the right direction right from the start.

Adapt your keywords for longer-tail SEO

Far from just the isolated fragments of text often inputted in Google’s search field, voice queries tend to more closely resemble dialogue in a longer conversation. Hence, your keywords must be adapted to suit. This move, research hints, can help you to maximise your returns from voice search.

Fortunately, extending your keywords in this way doesn’t necessarily have to be tricky. The keyword “SEO”, for instance, could become “SEO search engine optimisation”, while there’s the option of revamping “web marketing” as “how could I market my website?”

Answer the questions your target customers are asking

The long-tail keyword suggested above hints at another important principle of success with voice search: using question phrases. The poet Rudyard Kipling would’ve been adept at this, given his “six honest serving-men” of “What and Why and When / And How and Where and Who.”

By way of example, if you run an online store stocking phone accessories, relevant keyword phrases to you might be along the lines of “When should I buy a case for my phone” and “How can I fit a screen protector without leaving air bubbles”.

If you are regularly interacting with customers, such as through your company’s social media page or a live chat window, you probably already know what questions are often on their minds. Alternatively, if you are still none the wiser, you could pore over online forums where your target customers often gather to raise their concerns on your area of specialty.

Clever ways to target voice search users with your ecommerce site

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