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Effective online means of promoting your upcoming event

Are you thinking of putting on an event? Maybe you have something vibrant in mind, like a live music or comedy gig, or are more interested in delivering a presentation or seminar to teach people practical skills they would be able to use in a personal or work capacity.

Whether you hold an event in person or online, it could get people buzzing about your business. Still, as you can’t expect anyone to look forward to an event they don’t even know is going to happen, we advise that you market it in advance through these means…

Get the timing right 

Unless you have a large following with many people who would be willing to drop everything at a moment’s notice for you, it would be best for you to begin getting the word out about your event at least a week before its scheduled start.

In the B2B space, it can often be customary to launch the marketing drive for an in-person event a few months beforehand so that prospective attendees have enough time to put travel plans in place.

Reach out to potential attendees where they tend to be active

The rationale for this is clear when you consider that one point of holding events is to pique the interest of people who might not otherwise have particularly noticed your business.

While it can seem too pushy to stand in a town square and hand out unsolicited cards or leaflets to passers-by, one great advantage of the internet is how it enables you to advertise in a way that comes across as more subtle. For example, ads can be put on websites and in social media feeds.

With our expertise in PPC (pay per click) marketing, we can handle the technical part of getting those ads into the right online places once you have passed on details of your event to us.

Set up an event-specific landing page 

We will be happy to sort out those PPC ads for you, but where exactly will people be sent after clicking on them? You could give your company’s website an extra page dedicated to not only explaining what the event is about but also making it easy for people to register attendance spots.

Make sure you include all of the following details on the landing page: 

  • How people would benefit from attending: Whether the event’s intended primary purpose is to be exciting or educational, let readers know in a clear, ideally jargon-free summary.
  • Who will be hosting and performing: Will your company be hosting the event in partnership with other brands? Are some respected figures in the industry set to feature as speakers?
  • The event’s time and location: It’s crucial to be specific here, such as about the time in different parts of the world if the event is meant to attract a global audience.

Keep in mind that we offer CMS (content management system) packages that allow landing pages to be easily added to websites as and when upcoming events need to be promoted.

Effective online means of promoting your upcoming event

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