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How data from polls and surveys can inform great content

We have reached what is essentially the final article of a three-part series. In the first part, we outlined reasons for you to use polls and surveys, while the second part concerned how these could be used for collecting valuable data about your customers’ thoughts.

Now, we are moving onto how referring back to that data could reliably direct you in creating marketing content primed to genuinely appeal to your target audience. Here are just a few steps you could take to make worthwhile use of that data. 

Cover topics your customers want you to cover 

Yes, you might have a blog to which to post a series of informative articles, or a YouTube portal that would serve as an easily accessible home for videos you film. However, what if you have ran out of ideas for subjects to tackle in blog posts and videos?

In that case, you could use polls to ask your customers what they think you ought to write or talk about next. They might have been itching for you to finally provide answers to certain questions that have long been playing on their minds.

Address your audience’s biggest concerns

You might not struggle to think of challenges that your customers could be facing but you could be well-positioned to help them overcome.

News sources alone could serve as inspiration. If the UK’s recent problems with inflation have left members of your target audience struggling to make ends meet, consider whether you offer budget-conscious products or services that could help. 

As a result of threatening to run out of money, these people could also have declined in their mental health. This would provide an ideal opportunity for, say, psychotherapy and counselling organisations to promote their offerings.

Figure out what keywords to insert next into your SEO content 

In a previous article, we have touched upon open-ended questions and how they can be used to amass quantitative data. 

One easy-to-overlook plus point of going for such questions is that the written answers will inevitably include words and phrases the respondents often mention when discussing the same topic elsewhere.

Especially crucially, these are also words and phrases that they could be inclined to type into search engines when researching that topic.

You could therefore find strong candidates for keywords if, in those audience responses, you spot repeated phrases relevant to the larger topic. Alternatively, you might notice that survey respondents use common terminology but through unusual phrasing.

Create research reports 

While polls are good at capturing succinct data, surveys can go into more detail with their line of questioning. This means that the data you get from them can be appreciably more detailed, too.

The word ‘appreciably’ is worth highlighting here, since you could realise that a lot of what the survey respondents say would fit nicely into research reports you prepare for publishing on your website.

We have digital copywriters who could write those research reports for you, making it easier for you to portray yourself as a thought leader.

How data from polls and surveys can inform great content

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