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How does a Live Chat work and how will it benefit me

The main goal of live chat

Live chat lets you communicate with your website visitors in a direct and easy way. It allows your business to reach potential customers in real time and helps them with any questions or concerns they may have. Instead of calling or emailing, live chat offers an alternative way to communicate between customer and company. It is arguably the easiest and most efficient communication tool for websites.

How exactly does it work?

Live chat is a messaging application that lets prospective and existing customers talk to your company in real time via your website. A live chat box will usually appear in the corner of your website, in which the customer can interact with an operator just by typing.

Live chat is a great way to connect with customers in a modern and effective way. A Twilio study states that nine out of ten consumers said they want to be able to use messaging to talk to businesses. This is great news for those thinking about implementing live chat. According to Intercom, more than 12,500 consumers revealed that 53% of buyers are more likely to buy from a business they can message, as opposed to emails and calls.

What positives does it have?

Live chat has a number of benefits –

  • Live chat stops an overload of incoming emails and calls, giving you the quality time needed to respond to customers correctly.
  • Live chat can increase sales and customer satisfaction.
  • Live chat provides a quick and easy way to build a relationship with a customer.
  • Using live chat has become more and more popular over the years. Having it keeps you relevant and still in competition with other businesses.
  • It shows your customers that you are being proactive about their needs.
  • Live chat can capture the attention of potential customers and may be the driving force for a sale.

Are there any negatives?

  • As it is a modern communication tool, older generations may be apprehensive to use it at first.
  • Live chat can be a time-consuming method of communication either for the customer or the operator.
  • You will need to hire a professional operator that is willing to work all day or hire multiple operators depending on the demand of live chat.
  • To use live chat, you will need to be online during work hours. This will require a good and stable internet connection
  • Live chat can be open to abuse and prank chats. You will need to train your staff and operators to handle this possibility in the best ways available.
  • You may have to buy live chat from a provider in which there are many. Make sure you look around and find a good deal.

What are your thoughts?

Being a reliable and trustworthy company should allow you to reach a whole new audience easily through live chat. It is a great communication tool for all websites and it may be the next step for you and your customers. What are your thoughts?


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