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How responsive web design can help your business

If you want to reach as many people as possible, then it’s important that you have a responsive website.

What’s a responsive internet site, we hear you ask? It’s a site that adapts to whatever device your customers are using, from a mobile to a tablet or a laptop – reformatting to suit their screen and its capabilities. But what are the biggest benefits of upgrading to a responsive website design? Below, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know.


Improved customer experience

A responsive site will enhance your customers’ experience, mean your website looks good and sends a clear message, whatever the size of the screen your customers are using. You’ll find the layout of the pages, the menu bar, and the navigation system will change to suit the device.

Better search engine results

It’s all the more important because Google ranks websites higher in their search results that are mobile friendly, and because so many internet searches are now conducted on mobiles – over 60% in the UK. It’s important too, when it comes to local search engine results, with so many people using their phones when they’re out and about, rushing from ‘A’ to ‘B’. Also, with so much online shopping now being conducted on mobile devices, having a responsive website is crucial if you run an e-commerce site. Your customers want mobile access to your products – so offer it to them.

Increase your reach

So to increase your website’s reach and to maximise the number of potential customers who can access and use your website, you want to ensure your website works well on all devices. If you don’t, you could be missing out on potential customers, and adversely affect your search engine ranking. If you’re not sure if your website is mobile friendly, there’s a quick and easy test you can complete to check.

Cost-effective websites

Responsive websites are cost-effective for businesses, as you are simply maintaining one website rather than multiple websites – making responsive websites both versatile and good value.

Slick design

Responsive websites too, tend to embrace a stylish, pared-down design, providing your customers with clear, uncluttered content that delivers a great user experience, and no irritating distractions or unnecessary complications.

Faster load times

In addition, responsive websites load faster, making for a better user experience and reducing the likelihood of users bouncing away from your website.

Better conversion rates

Creating an easy, hassle-free journey for your customers is likely to lead to improved conversion rates and a greater demand for your services or products. So it’s a win-win situation all round, a responsive website is better for your business and better for your customers too.

Want to reach a larger audience?

Then ensure you have a responsive website. To provide your business with a website that is shipshape and up-to-date,

contact the team at Webahead today.

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