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How the ‘iPhone SE 3’ could surprisingly influence your website’s design

There’s reportedly a new iPhone only just around the corner – and, no, it’s not the iPhone 14. Instead, it’s a new edition of the iPhone SE, the least expensive iPhone model currently in mass production.

According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, a reliable source of news about future Apple products, the Cupertino company will likely hold a media event in March or April, with the new iPhone SE “probably” set to feature. The device itself will house an updated processor and 5G connectivity in a familiar enclosure.

This third iteration of the iPhone SE will look very similar to the current iPhone SE, which was released back in April 2020 and is visually akin to the iPhone 8 from 2017. However, for such a familiar-looking phone, the ‘iPhone SE 3’ could give you surprising food for thought on how to design your company’s website.

How the iPhone SE 3 could shake up the smartphone market

In theory, the arrival of a new SE shouldn’t be dramatic news. After all, the iPhone SE line has existed in one form or another since early 2016 – and, for years already, has provided smartphone buyers with a relatively low-cost entryway into Apple’s notoriously expensive ecosystem.

However, the (admittedly few) upgrades the SE is apparently in line to receive this year could, in practice, have a big impact. One of those upgrades will be the inclusion of Apple’s top-of-the-range A15 chip, but the even more meaningful addition could be that of 5G connectivity.

This would make the new SE easily the cheapest 5G-ready iPhone – especially if it will be priced around the same as previous SE generations. One news outlet says that the SE 3’s UK pricing is “likely to be around – possibly just under – the £400 mark for the model with the lowest storage option”.

It’s easy to see, then, why analysts at the brokerage J.P. Morgan have speculated that the ‘iPhone SE 5G’ – as it has also been dubbed – could tempt more than a billion users of non-premium Android phones into jumping ship to the Apple side of the smartphone war.

What could all of this mean for how websites are designed?

One little detail about the new iPhone SE we didn’t mention earlier is that, due to its recycled design, it is expected to have a 4.7-inch display. This is relatively small by the standards of modern smartphone screens, with even the iPhone 13 Mini released last September having been handed a 5.4-inch OLED panel.

So, as a website owner, you can’t just assume that a certain screen size is essentially ‘dead’ and so no longer needs to be accounted for with your own site’s design. That screen size could suddenly and unexpectedly come back into vogue – in which case, your website could hugely benefit from having a responsive web design.

If it doesn’t actually have one right now, don’t fret, as our web designers could overhaul your site to make it easy to view and use even across devices varying hugely in display size.

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