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How to choose the right fonts for your company’s website

You might not have realised how much meaning is invested in just a font. Which font you choose for particular text can affect how its message is perceived; therefore, before settling on any given typeface, you should assess if it would strengthen or complement what you want to say. 

Displaying all of the text on your company’s website in just one typeface could look dull or lazy – so, how can you make multiple wise choices of font?  For a start, just dip into our font-ain of knowledge (sorry, we couldn’t resist that pun)… 

Consider sticking to ‘web-safe’ fonts

These are so-called as your site’s visitors shouldn’t need to install anything extra on their computers simply to see the font correctly. Throughout this article, we will cite and link to various examples of Google Fonts, which are generally deemed the gold standard when it comes to web-safe fonts.

While many websites do use fonts – such as custom ones – that aren’t web-based, it would be risky for your own website to do likewise. That’s because, if a visitor’s device can’t suitably display the font, it could end up appearing on this device as a different typeface that doesn’t suit your site. 

What fonts fit in with your established branding?

Each business has its own personality that should be reflected in its brand. For example, an arts and crafts business will inevitably be quirkier in its outlook than a law firm, where a straight-laced image portrays the respectability demanded of this particular industry. 

Your website’s fonts should be chosen with your branding in mind. So, while the just-mentioned arty business could benefit from utilising a classic-looking font like Arvo on its site, a more subdued font such as Frank Ruhl Libre or Playfair Display would be more appropriate for the legal firm’s site.  

Figure out a suitable font ‘hierarchy’ for your website 

As a general rule, you should avoid using more than two or three fonts for your website’s text, lest readers potentially struggle to distinguish the main text from the auxiliary text. This danger is also why you should carefully decide which font to use for which type of text.

The font’s size matters as well. If you simply leave all of your site’s text the same size, the differences between headings, subtitles and paragraphs could become somewhat blurred. This would threaten the text’s legibility – and, as a result, how effectively your site can convert visits into sales.   

Combine fonts in creative ways

In doing this, you can make the text more visually interesting while keeping it readable. Perhaps you could incorporate multiple fonts from the same font family, such as by pairing Open Sans with Open Sans Condensed. You could also pick various fonts that nonetheless express similar emotions. 

Whatever fonts you do opt for, they could come in useful for not only website text written by our copywriters but also banners and buttons crafted by our graphic designers. We can advise you further when you contact us by phone, email or online contact form.   


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