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What should you write next for your blog? Here are a few ideas

Even if your corporate website has always had its own built-in blog, there’s the big question of how often you update it with content that genuinely interests its readers.

When done right, blogging can boost your brand’s online profile and help you reach out to people who may never have previously heard of your company. So, if your blog’s last post to attract meaningful attention was published years ago, how could you potentially create a similarly successful follow-up piece at long last?   

Address topics important to your target audience

If you don’t know what members of this audience would like to read about on your blog, just ask them. You could do this by posting on your social media channels, which would also have the advantages of spurring engagement and showing that you care about your audience’s needs.

You could even launch a competition where what you judge to be the best blog post idea suggested by one of your brand’s social media followers wins them a prize.

Write about what you know

Writing on a subject you aren’t already familiar with can be risky – especially if it is a very technical or scientific subject. That’s because people who do know about the subject will, upon reading your article, quickly be able to tell if you aren’t on the ball.

Consider writing about something you know a lot about but many of your blog’s readers probably won’t. That way, there will be less room for error, as you won’t have to do quite as much research.

Provide your thoughts on industry-relevant news

It’s naturally a good idea to stay in the loop about what’s currently happening in your industry anyway – and you will inevitably have your own opinions about those developments. So, why not let your blog’s readers know about those opinions?

Doing so would enable you to position yourself – or at least your business – as having expertise in this field and draw more attention to the company as a whole.

Answer frequently-asked questions in detail

Yes, your company’s website probably already has a dedicated FAQs section – but you might not have left too much room there for intricate answers. After all, packing large amounts of text onto a single webpage can too easily deter many people from reading it in the first place.

That’s why it could be a good idea for you to write a series of blog posts each focusing on a specific frequently-asked question not quite given enough attention on the main FAQs page.

Predict what could be in store for your industry

Compared to many people who don’t work in the industry, you are well-positioned to make this prediction – but don’t worry, you don’t have to go into too much detail about it. Much of the content could concern what you hope will change rather than what you think actually will.

Your own future could include investing in SEO copywriting services from our marketers if your company lacks in-house staff capable of penning your blog posts to a high standard.


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