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How to create a successful email marketing campaign

It’s tempting to think that, with such social media channels as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at your disposal, your marketing prowess wouldn’t heavily depend on the use of email in this day and age. However, a closer look at the facts reveals that you could be mistaken on that point.

Given the often bustling and chaotic feel of social media, it could be argued that email marketing actually has a renewed relevance. After all, it’s your opportunity to reach out to a prospect on a one-to-one basis without them being distracted. Here are some techniques that can make this possible.

Give people a good reason to sign up

Of course, you can’t start sending regular emails to a potential customer or client without obtaining their permission beforehand. Furthermore, anyone who does sign up to your emailing list will need to know that they are getting something special in return.

That could be an immediate freebie; alternatively, you could simply send newsletters at regular intervals, like every week or month. Whatever you offer, specifically mention it in your “call to action” aimed at persuading someone to give their email address, such as through an online form.

Follow up on expectations that you set

You shouldn’t make a promise that you aren’t confident of keeping. Therefore, if you pledge to send one email weekly, don’t start sending one daily instead. Similarly, don’t simply opt not to send anything at all on the assumption that the person won’t notice you are reneging on a promise.

Your email service provider likely lets you create an email to be automatically sent as a follow-up immediately after someone joins your emailing list. In this email, you should explain your intentions with this subscriber’s email address – and don’t skimp on the detail necessary for assuring them.

Don’t forget to personalise your emails

Your emails could regularly fall into inboxes cluttered with what the recipients disparage as “junk” – so, how can you help avoid those people placing your own emails in the same category? One way of countering such apathy is personalising the emails to account for specific recipients.

Emails where they are named in the subject line stand a 26% better chance of being read. This is according to research cited by Business 2 Community, as is the statistic that personalised emails enhance click-through rates by 14% on average. Conversions, meanwhile, can improve by 10%.

If you have a record of a particular customer’s previous buying habits, this could influence the content of further emails you send to this person. Research has revealed that 81% of online shoppers receiving such emails are, as a result, at least somewhat likely to buy again.

We can help you maximise returns of email marketing

There are various other means through which you could reap more fruit from email marketing initiatives. However, if you lack enough of the relevant technical knowledge, we can step in to help. By phoning us on 01325 582112, you can find out many more details about how.


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