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Why blogging should be an essential part of your SEO campaign

These days, it’s common practice for a company to have a blog on its website. However, even if your business regularly adds new content to its blog, you might not be leveraging that blog to the best effect from an SEO standpoint. Doing so can be a strong case of “easy once you know how”.

Nonetheless, before you proceed with implementing an SEO-friendly blogging strategy, you should take great care in crafting it. Here are just a few pointers worth heeding as you do so.

Researching keywords can help you identify market demand

Is there truly a market for your product or service? You could find out while discerning which keywords to place in your blog post copy. We say this because, if a keyword attracts particularly high recorded search volume, this may indicate a market for which you are capable of catering.

Once you have found such a keyword, you can include it in your SEO strategy. Producing blog content before researching keywords for it would be focusing on supply over demand.

Each blog post can be tailored for a specific audience

When writing a blog post, you don’t have to follow the “catch-all” approach to which the main pages of your website might closely adhere. In fact, we would recommend that, in your case, each post is aimed at a particular segment of your organisation’s overall target audience.

This would let you also narrow down your chosen keywords to ensure their relevancy to specific issues for which the post’s readers might want solutions.

You can continually tinker with and optimise the content

There are benefits to continually honing your SEO profile, but there is only so much regularity with which you can keep returning to your site’s main pages to try improving their SEO power.

Thankfully, it wouldn’t be entirely the same case with a large network of blog posts that you could develop over many months or years. As you can easily keep adding new, timely content to a blog, you could also keep creating new opportunities to optimise your own content.

You can enliven your blog posts by adding media

This media can be in the form of images and video, both of which can help better engage users. Furthermore, such media can add to your optimisation opportunities.

With each blog post, make a habit of including images and optimising them with descriptive alt tags. Those can include high-priority keywords phrases but don’t force them in where they aren’t appropriate. Meanwhile, if you have a YouTube page, videos from it can be embedded into posts.

You can regularly share fresh content to social media

Your company’s social media channels provide feeds through which it can regularly keep customers updated and informed. Therefore, don’t neglect the option of sharing blog posts to these channels – especially as doing so would enhance your company’s SEO efforts.

Yes, the ranking algorithm takes account of social signals. Phone us on 01325 582112, and we can further educate you on the technical side of SEO.


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