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How your online store can guard against a summer sales slump

If you have run an online store for years, you might have noticed its sales dipping every summer. Alas, this time of year is a notorious one for ecommerce businesses, as their usual customers will often be out enjoying the warm weather rather than just stuck to their smartphones.

However, the good news is that, by strategically rejigging your website, you can potentially cushion it against the usual summer-induced blow to your financial fortunes.

Deck the homepage out with summery imagery 

You probably already know exactly what kind of imagery we have in mind here. Yes, it’s depictions of flowers, beaches, swimming pools and, of course, sunshine.

Our own web development studio could help you here — and not simply by providing your website with suitable stock photos of summer scenes. You could also have many of those scenes portrayed in the form of fun and funky graphics put together by Webahead Internet’s graphic design team.  

Hold flash sales 

What are flash sales? Basically, these are campaigns where you offer discounts on select products, but only for a limited period of time specified in advance.

As long as you make sufficiently clear that these price cuts will be out of the picture relatively soon, you can spur a sense of urgency among your customers and so encourage them to buy sooner rather than later.

Your brand’s social media portals would be good places for you to advertise flash sales as and when they are launched.

Turn back to strategies that worked during previous summers 

Learning how to excel at marketing can be very much a process of trial and error. Perhaps, one summer, you accidentally spotlighted a certain product and were surprised to see its sales subsequently soar.

Similarly, you might have spent summertime experimenting with a new marketing channel and noticed that it actually brought results, such as increased engagement rates. The takeaway is clear: if you have thrived with a specific summer marketing tactic before, give it another go.

Highlight products especially appropriate for summer 

If you can easily recollect many of the products you stock, you probably don’t need us to tell you which of them would be more relevant for this time of year. In many cases, it’s obvious; think such items as swimwear, caps and BBQ sets.

If you want to add and list new products, we could provide your online store with a Content Management System (CMS) that would make it easier for you to create new product pages.

Extensively overhaul your website, if this feels necessary 

Now that you are taking the opportunity to look over your website for opportunities to give it much more of a summer theme, you could notice other, more fundamental issues with it. Perhaps its layout is awkward to navigate, or the site is strewn with too many superfluous elements.

In this situation, we could design you a whole new ecommerce website — and in such a way that you will be able to easily tweak it to take advantage of the summer.


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