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How your SEO strategy can use long-tail keywords for long-term success

It might make logical sense for your website’s written content to be strewn with keywords broad in meaning. After all, the broader the meaning of a keyword, the larger the amount of web traffic it would be poised to capture. However, as the saying goes, quality is better than quantity…

For this reason, you could pursue the following tactics to add to your content’s number of long-tail keywords, which tend to be three to five words long and relatively low in search volume.

Research relevant long-tail keywords 

The appeal of optimising for long-tail keywords is that they attract searchers who are highly specific in their intent. Hence, you could find it easier to convert these searchers into customers or clients of your business — as long as you offer what they are ultimately looking for.

This means you should endeavour to use long-tail keywords that members of your target audience are actually typing into Google. Through using popular SEO tools like Semrush and Ahrefs, you can help yourself to unearth such keywords.

Don’t worry too much about search traffic 

Yes, this advice might initially appear to run counter to what we at Webahead Internet usually urge. However, you have to remember that, with long-tail keywords, the focus is more on attracting the right traffic rather than necessarily high levels of traffic.

Therefore, when trying to decide what exact long-tail queries to target, prioritise considering which of them would be relevant to your particular business and its area of expertise.

Use multiple long-tail keywords in the same piece of content 

One simple reason why many long-term keywords garner little search volume is that different people can choose to input them in different ways — even when the search intent is the same.

Hence, it would bode well for you to weave many variations of a long-term keyword into the same content. For example, in a guide to the best iPhones for budget-conscious buyers, you could use such keywords as ‘best budget iPhones’, ‘best iPhones on a budget’, and so on.

Track and, as necessary, tweak your long-tail keyword campaign 

Once you have had content with long-tail keywords online long enough for it to attract a decent amount of SEO juice (so to say), you could dive into Google Search Console to see what search terms people are actually using to find the content.

Those terms could include phrases you hadn’t even considered using as long-tail keywords — in which case, you could edit the content to intentionally optimise for these keywords.

Consider optimising for voice search 

Statista states: “Forecasts suggest that by 2024, the number of digital voice assistants will reach 8.4 billion units — a number higher than the world’s population.” 

As people tend to treat their digital voice assistants more like robot servants than mere tools, search queries are often more conversational when vocalised.

However, if you are unsure how to adapt long-tail keywords accordingly, don’t be afraid to ask our SEO copywriters to handle the task for you so that they can save you valuable time.

How your SEO strategy can use long-tail keywords for long-term success

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