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Why automation could be the magic ingredient for your social media efforts

It’s official, the robots are here… but they just want to help your social media campaign run more smoothly. Less the terrifying, apocalyptic vision of killer machinery in the Terminator films, then, and more simply the Jetsons’ tame robot maid Rosie re-imagined as a marketing guru.

Anyway, exactly what subject are we trying to wade our way to here? Simple: automating your social media presence. There are now many tools that enable you to do it, and here’s why you should.

There’s a lot of time to be saved

If social media can feel time-draining even when you’re just casually checking it on occasion to see what your friends are up to, imagine how time-intensive it can be for businesses always looking for new customers. However, many routine aspects of social can be offloaded to automation.

It would allow you to write posts at your leisure before scheduling them to pop up at busy periods, when you could be occupied with running your firm and investigating growth opportunities.

You can encourage stronger engagement from your audience

You can even automate responses to foster engagement in a low-hassle way. Now, when it comes to something as intimate as audience engagement, automation can’t quite take up all of the slack – but it can still provide a helping hand, such as by letting you schedule social media pursuits in advance.

Quizzes and surveys, meanwhile, can simply be left to collect a mass of responses from your audience, enabling you to return later and learn about their preferences and pain points.

Content can be scheduled to break cover at just the right time

Let’s assume you are preparing to announce a new product, but want to do so in an especially impactful, timely fashion – perhaps at the same time as it becomes available to buy. Crafting the announcement before scheduling its release for a given future moment makes all of this possible.

Social media automation can similarly help if you want to advertise a special discount on the one day when it is valid – such as on New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day or St Patrick’s Day.

You can stay consistent with surprisingly little effort

Consistency is important to your marketing persona, across all channels; it’s how people grow to recognise what your brand is about and so develop an affinity with it. As your social media followers might want you to post regularly, you should prepare a large body of content to dip into periodically.

We can help put together that content for you – from graphics to press releases. We have a team of designers and copywriters on standby, whether you need something visual or textual.   

Your marketing campaigns can become more organised

As automation enables you to gather all of the essentials in a single place, you could be pleasantly surprised by how easily you can manage multiple campaigns even simultaneously. It could all start with buying one of our SEO marketing packages; for SEO novices, we recommend our Starter package.

Why automation could be the magic ingredient for your social media efforts

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