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Why starting and regularly updating a blog can attract a younger audience

Attracting younger customers – like Millennials and members of Generation Z – to your business can be tricky. On the other hand, while the purchasing power of these generations is likely to grow over time, young adults can also be distrustful of marketing, giving you a rather stubborn conundrum.

Therefore, to attract these people, you should keep your marketing subliminal – and setting up a blog to be regularly updated can play a big part in this. Here are especially good reasons why…

You can portray yourself as an expert

A blog can provide you with a great means of periodically posting content about developments in your company’s field. For example, a tech store could report on rumours about upcoming smartphone models, while a beauty salon could draw attention to celebs’ makeup tips.

All of this would also have the benefit of making your business look authoritative in its sector – and the likes of Millennials will love the authenticity of this.

The steady stream of content is good for SEO

One of the thoroughly tried-and-tested strategies for keeping your website relevant in Google’s eyes is refreshing your site’s content from time to time. However, it might not be obvious how you are supposed to revitalise the main pages if they are already finely crafted like a Renaissance statue.

However, the entire point of a blog is to regularly add new content to it. As you continue updating that blog, Google will increase how regularly it indexes your site, boding well for its search rankings.

Articles can be promoted on social media

It’s no secret that social media is especially popular with the younger generations, but there can sometimes be a question mark over what you should post to your company’s pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so forth. Well, what about short status updates advertising your blog posts?

You don’t necessarily have to stick to just advertising them as they are published, either. Perhaps you could dig out an old post if it seems relevant to something happening in the news?

You could build up your backlinks

What are backlinks? They are links which, on other sites, point to yours – but a small business can’t expect to amass many backlinks, at least not in a Google-friendly way, if it doesn’t post content that other sites actually want to link to. Fortunately, a blog can provide exactly this content.

While large businesses tend to already get backlinks in abundance due to affiliates or recommendations, these firms could still use blogs to strengthen their link profiles even further.

Blogs are a good form of “passive promotion”

Remember what we said about your marketing needing to be subliminal? Young people want to feel that, if they buy from your business, they are doing so entirely on their own initiative rather than because you have advertised to them.

Therefore, why not ask for our expert copywriters to pen some informative blog posts that genuinely help readers to make the most of your company’s offerings?


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