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Why you need social links on your website

Placing social media links on your website might seem like a small and insignificant detail, but that’s far from being the case. In fact, they are a crucial element of your website design.

Failing to integrate your social media with your website, could lead to your social media efforts falling flat. The good news is that social share buttons are far more adaptable than was once the case, and there are lots of ways in which you can go about integrating them.

Position takes priority

Most important of all is to consider the position of your social media buttons. Browse through a few websites, and you’ll find they are often placed in the page footer.  However, when visitors are perusing a web page, they don’t always reach the bottom of the page. So consider positioning your social media buttons at the top, where people can’t miss them. Alternatively, integrate them into the text, so your visitors don’t have to go out of their way to find or click on them.

Be selective

Do be selective about the social media buttons you include on your website, only integrate those accounts you keep up-to-date, and don’t include so many they are distracting to your customers. Twitter and Facebook are likely to be your priority, though this choice may change depending on your sector and the demographics of your customers.

Too many buttons could water down the number of responses you get and could leave some links underused, so be selective about those you include. If any of the social media buttons on your website have a low response – remove them.

A classic look?

You’ll also need to consider how you want your social media buttons to look. The classic social media button designs will be recognised instantly by the majority of your customers, their meaning and purpose widely understood. However, you may also customise them, which could give your website a fresh, distinctive look unlike any other, making it stand out from the crowd.

Both approaches have advantages; the most important thing is to know your audience, if you serve a more traditional client base, then stick with the classic icons. Have a look to see how your competitors or industry partners are approaching the matter, then make your choice.

The benefits of social media links

Ultimately, having links between your social media accounts and your website will improve your business’s online presence and ranking in search results, helping customers to find and choose your business – and that’s what a website is all about. Call in the team at Webahead to update your website, ensuring it’s shipshape, looking good and working efficiently.


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