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5 ways to reduce bounce rate

Running a website can be a challenge. If you’re struggling to increase organic traffic from search engines, get leads for your products or services, or increase email sign ups, there’s a chance that your website’s bounce rate is too high. Here’s how to reduce it.

Improve your web design

Web design is one of the most important aspects of any business website, so make sure that yours is attractive, responsive, and user-friendly. If you use WordPress, you’ll be able to find high-quality themes for free and customise them, but we recommend getting in touch with the experts at Webahead for a quote on a professionally-designed site instead.


Your website takes too long to load

We’ve discussed the importance of website speed a number of times – not only is it now a ranking factor in terms of SEO, but it’s important for user experience. Put your website through Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool and see whether or not your website is too slow. If it is, consider asking your current web host whether you can be upgraded to a faster web server, or consider moving to another web host. Other techniques to improve website speed include installing cache plugins and enabling GZIP compression.


Write content

Make sure that you keep your website up-to-date with fresh content that’s relevant to your audience, and you’ll reduce bounce rates overnight. Blogging can keep your audience engaged and get them to spend longer on your website, so learn how to write a blog for your business, and also consider creating content that appeals to short attention spans, too.


Link internally

If your content is littered with links to other content and pages on your site, visitors will be more likely to stick around and spend more time researching your products and services. Learn how to write proper anchor text for your links to boost your website’s SEO, and create a rule that every blog post needs at least two or three internal links before it’s published.


Keep it simple

Don’t try tactics to get your visitors to spend longer on your website because the chances are, they just won’t work. Don’t use pop-ups, for example, as 70% of consumers find them annoying and could result in them leaving your web pages. Just focus on producing high-quality content, keep your website up-to-date and focus on user experience at every turn.


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