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5 ideas to ace your marketing this Christmas

It’s almost Christmas, everyone! How did that happen? It won’t be long before Santa Claus starts visiting homes around the world; however, you don’t to ask for a marketing strategy to be left under your tree, as we’re on hand to help. Here are a few ways to get your festive marketing right.

Make sure your updates relate to the holiday

When it comes to content marketing, regardless of its form, the majority should add some type of value to the lives of your customers, while only a small portion should be about promoting the services and products of your business. However, because it’s Christmas, this rule can be tweaked ever so slightly.

As long as you keep your posts varied, you can go a little overboard on the self-promotion by keeping it Christmas-themed. For example, if you’re promoting a café, promote the barista’s favourite holiday-related hot drink.

Plan ahead – organisation is key

Creating a timeline will help you to gain clarity surrounding your campaign while also informing the chronology. Don’t just focus on Christmas Day itself – you can also hang your campaign from events such as Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and the New Year.

Doing so will help you to stay organised, and you can prepare any Christmas-related promotions in advance. Tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite are hugely beneficial in such instances.

Use hashtags in the right way

Coin a branded holiday hashtag. Using hashtags on social media presents many benefits to a business; in fact, Instagram posts with upwards of seven hashtags are proven to generate more likes. However, make sure you are creative and use branded hashtags, as you’re unlikely to dominate any search feed with a simple #MerryChristmas.

Push notifications can take advantage of customers’ willingness to buy

If done incorrectly, push notifications can be rather annoying; however, done right, they can increase customer engagement and so generate impressive amounts of revenue. Christmas is the one time of year that customers are more likely to spend money, so shoot out messages about helping them to find the perfect gift for their loved one.

Departmentalise specific email marketing campaigns

If you throw it back to department-specific offers distributed weekly, your Christmas marketing campaign can remain effective without, to the annoyance of your customers, leaving them with a mass of offers that don’t pique their interest.

However, rather than just choosing departments at random, choose those that are likely to generate the most interest and traffic. If you sell products, identify the top-selling ones, as this will help you to create a “Best Sellers of 2018” section.

Still, keep in mind that effective marketing isn’t just for Christmas – you should aim to attract customers for the long haul. For this reason, an SEO marketing package from Webahead Internet could turn out to be the best present you unwrap this year.

Get in touch by calling 01325 582112, as we can explain how we can help you to achieve sustained marketing success for your organisation. Merry Christmas!

5 ideas to ace your marketing this Christmas

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