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5 web design tricks to increase lead generation

When it comes to generating leads for your business, it makes sense to start with a well-designed website. Below, we’ve rounded up five web design tricks that you should consider.


Use a form scraping tool


Although forms are perhaps the most obvious part of lead generation – whether that’s for newsletter subscriptions or signups – it can be difficult to collect and track your submissions in one easy place. Find a tool that scrapes your forms and automatically captures your data into an easy-to-read platform. By doing so, you’ll be able to analyse data, make changes to your design and lead generation techniques, and keep everything you need on hand in one easy-to-access document for future sales and remarketing.


Use calls to action on every page


While you don’t want to oversell your services and discourage your visitors from making a sale, adding a call to action on every page of your website makes sense. Guide your visitors through the process of making a sale, signing up for a service or arranging a consultation – the easier you make it for people to click through and submit their interest, the easier it will be to convert them into long-lasting customers that provide value to your business.


Rather than sticking to a single call to action on your website, create multiple CTAs that can speak to different parts of your audience. On your blog, you may wish to add a call to action about a particular product or service that you have highlighted, while on your homepage, you may wish to push your free trial or new product.


Add offers on landing pages


Landing pages are important to any business looking to increase their lead generation. With new technologies, you can create custom landing pages, send different segments of your audience to different pages and even remarket to your existing customers and visitors. Landing pages can offer a significant benefit over search engine optimisation and pay-per-click advertising, so it makes sense to invest some time into creating bespoke, engaging pages that will convert your visitors into customers.


Use an intuitive design


The most important function of your website is to guide visitors to the places you want them to visit. Therefore, you should take the time to create an intuitive design that is clear, informative and works for all of your visitors. This includes a responsive design, high-quality imagery, the appropriate copy and simple-to-use navigation. Consider investing in eye-tracking tests for your website, allowing you to find out the key areas of your website where visitors look. You may even want to carry out user testing and focus groups to ensure your website is as simple as possible to use.


Create a blog


We’re sure that you’re already aware of the benefits of blogging. We’ve even mentioned them multiple times on our blog. Simply put, the more engaging, informative content you write, the more visitors you’ll get to your website through search engine rankings and organic traffic. Not only is blogging one of the most effective ways of boosting your rankings on Google et al, but it’s also an opportunity to convert traffic into leads.


There you have it – five ways that you can increase lead generation on your website. If you’re looking to boost sales, start with a well-designed website. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Webahead Internet today for a free quote.


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