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What is inbound marketing? 3 alternative ways to describe the marketing practice

In theory, inbound marketing is easy to explain. One man managed to define the marketing practice in a single tweet – “to get found, convert and analyse through leadership demonstration”. But for the majority of us, accurately describing inbound marketing can be difficult – especially when prior knowledge of technology, marketing and the internet are required to truly understand the practice.

To offer assistance, we’ve put together three ways in which you can describe inbound marketing. Whether you want to use these analogies during your family get-togethers this Christmas, or you just need an easy-to-understand explanation that you can give to potential clients, read on!

Talk about food

Let’s face it – we all love food. During the Christmas season, consider explaining your inbound marketing by bringing it back to food. To give an explanation of lead nurturing, use the good old pie analogy – or opt for a Christmas cake if you’re feeling particularly festive!

Sending un-nurtured leads to a sales team is like serving an unbaked pie. Instead, you should bake the pie by nurturing leads. Not only does this warm up your brand, but it helps you give your customers better information (or better pie) and allows you to deliver delicious results!


If you’re struggling to put across the key points of your inbound marketing, consider breaking the strategy into individual pieces. The chances are that you rely on more than one form of media to drive traffic to your website – namely content marketing, email marketing, social media, analytics, calls-to-action, advertising – and those who haven’t worked in marketing could struggle to understand that so many different components are at play. Put together the puzzle pieces, and they’ll soon see how different parts of inbound marketing work together to generate results.

Just tell them you write articles                 

If you’re still struggling to tell your family – or potential customers – what inbound marketing is, just tell them that you write articles for a living. Indeed, the role of an inbound marketer does involve writing content for the internet – namely for social media, mailing lists and blog posts – but this is often enough to help people get a basic understanding of inbound marketing and its role online.

There you have it – three ways in which you can describe inbound marketing. On behalf of the Webahead Internet team, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas – and we hope that you don’t have to spend too much time explaining inbound marketing to your loved ones!

If you’re looking for a new website, don’t hesitate to get in touch for a free web design quote, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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