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Five things to consider before rebranding your business

When it comes to keeping your organisation fresh and current, a rebrand is a great solution. Whether you’re looking to update your logo, modernise your website or give your entire brand a makeover, there are things you should consider before making changes.

What do you want to take from your current design?

Unless you’re changing the fundamentals of your business, then the chances are that you will want to carry forward some of the elements of your current brand. Whether that’s the logo, design features or an industry-specific trend, try not to scrap the brand you have built entirely. In many cases, light updates will be more effective than working from scratch – especially if your current look is well received.

What are your competitors doing?

Even the most niche of organisations will have competitors – or, at least, websites and brands that they admire. Take the time out to study what your rivals are doing, and take inspiration from their successes. Perhaps you like the way they approach a particular topic, or you think their colour scheme is relevant to your industry? Taking the best elements of several successful organisations and putting them together is a great starting point.

Where do you see your brand in ten years time?

Although graphic and web design trends are ever-changing, you should consider your organisation’s long-term aspirations when rebranding. The chances are that you’ll be using your new brand for many years to come, so it’s essential that it can stand the test of time.



Why are you rebranding?

Rebranding is a big task, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before you begin a rebranding project, ensure you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Perhaps your existing brand is outdated, or you want to dissociate yourself from a negative experience? Don’t just rebrand for the sake of it – make sure you have a clear goal so that you can measure your success and make your investment worthwhile.

What will your customers think?

Rebranding can be an exciting time for your workforce and fans of your organisation, but it’s likely that some of your existing customers will feel alienated or concerned over any major changes. Ensure that your new brand harks back to your past, and try to update your customers as to why you’re making changes. An email or blog post is often the best way to communicate, while getting your customers involved in the rebranding process can also be beneficial.

By taking the time to consider the impact of a rebrand before diving in head first, you will be able to carefully target improvement points and find a solution that better reflects where your business is headed. If you’re looking for assistance with your rebrand, whether that’s with graphic design or web design, get in touch with Webahead Internet for a free quote.


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