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Optimising your website for your business needs

When it comes to running a successful business, there has never been more important time to have a well-designed website. However, a flash homepage is no longer enough to convert visitors into customers, and entrepreneurs need to work hard to optimise their websites to meet the goals and objectives of their businesses.  Below, we’ve put together four things you can do to boost your sales and turn your website into a money-maker.


Think about conversions

If one of your key business goals is to increase conversions, then crafting the right calls to action is essential. CTAs can be used anywhere on your website, but are most effective on your homepage, landing pages and at the bottom of your blog posts. Use persuasive language such as ‘guarantee’, ‘results’ and ‘free’, or create a sense of urgency or scarcity if you want them to sign up immediately. However, if you include too many CTAs, your promotional messages will be watered down, so use them sparingly for maximum effect.

Take it mobile

The benefits of a mobile-friendly website are endless. If your website is not responsive, invest in a redesign to ensure that your content can be seen from any device – if you do not, you’re cutting out a large segment of your market. All digital growth now comes from mobile devices, with more customers than ever making transactions and engaging with customers from their smartphone.

Make it engaging

As a business, it’s important to find ways to engage with potential customers. If one of your business aims is to increase engagement – which, in turn, can lead to more leads – then you should make changes to your website to do so. Incorporating your social media channels through plugins or widgets is essential while opening comments can give customers a chance to ask questions. If you want to create a sense of community on your website, open a forum, and use a live chat if you want to be able to engage one-on-one as soon as a visitor loads your website.

Use graphics

Whether you want to plug your sales and promotions or you just want to deliver the right brand message, effective graphic design is a great way to stand out. Use reds, bold fonts and urgent language if you want to promote a time-sensitive sale, and opt for natural photography if you want to portray a professional look for your business. In many cases, graphic design is more important than web design, so don’t use free tools to craft images – instead, opt for Photoshop or rely on a graphic design expert to produce your promotional materials.

By optimising your website to meet the goals of your business, you will be able to maximise your chances of success. If you’re looking for assistance with your website design, graphic design or search engine optimisation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Webahead Internet for a free quote.


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