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Picture this: how Instagram unlocks rich potential for marketers

The image-sharing social network Instagram has flourished since its acquisition by Facebook in 2012. Today, a billion users are monthly active on Instagram, and half of those visit the network daily.

However, you might be underestimating just how much you could achieve, in a marketing sense, on Instagram. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has conceded that consumers are often ahead of businesses in recognising Instagram’s functionality, but you don’t have to be among those trailing firms.

It’s surprisingly easy to get discovered on Instagram

During Facebook’s January 2018 earnings call, Sandberg revealed that two-thirds of visitors to Instagram business profiles aren’t actually followers of the brand in question.

This figure is especially encouraging when you consider that, according to a third of Instagram users in one survey, their growing interest in a brand or product was sparked after they caught sight of it on Instagram Stories. That interest could ultimately edge them towards a purchase decision…

Be there AND be square with your formatting

Once your business has signed up to Instagram, you might want to get accustomed to the basic Feed functionality before switching to the more advanced features, like Stories.

Still, whereas Stories content is restricted to a vertical aspect ratio of 9:16, Feed users can choose between square, full-screen vertical and landscape options. We would urge you to stick with square photos or videos where possible, as they take up a relatively high amount of screen real estate.

Why you shouldn’t be everywhere at once

Instagram has recently risked putting a cat among the photo-sharing pigeons by adding the ability to post to multiple Instagram accounts simultaneously. While this is a significant addition in light of the platform’s lack of content-sharing features, it could also end up a spammer’s dream.

Were you to repeatedly share identical content across multiple accounts, you would be neglecting the personalisation that could be necessary for tempting new customers into the fold.

Don’t sound off while leaving the sound off

If you have often produced videos for sharing on Facebook, you might have followed Facebook’s recommendation that, for video, you “design for sound off but delight with sound on”.

However, it might be worth ignoring that particular piece of advice if your next video is destined for Instagram Stories, where 60% of videos are viewed with the sound on. Therefore, you might not need to attach layers of textual content that would be useful in a mute environment.

Instagram could be the next video star

If you remain reticent about the possibilities of using Instagram video for promotional purposes, consider how much it has demonstrably swayed purchase decisions.

With 48% of consumers on the site having recently admitted that 2018 had seen them make a purchase on account of a brand’s video on this network, you would ignore this statistic at your peril.

At Webahead Internet, we can get you up and running with your Instagram strategy, so don’t hesitate to learn more about our web marketing company, such as through phoning 01325 582112.

Picture this: how Instagram unlocks rich potential for marketers

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