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How to select the right CMS for your website

If you are familiar with those ‘WYSIWYG’ (that stands for ‘what you see is what you get’) website-building tools, you should be able to easily ‘get’ the concept of a CMS. Otherwise known as a content management system, this allows you to quickly edit your website’s content and add more to it.

You can do all of this without needing any coding knowhow. Still, many different content management systems are now on the market – and they can be far from equal on the following measures where your choice of CMS ought to particularly excel. 

Look for a flexible solution

Where a CMS crucially differs from a WYSIWYG tool is that, while the latter can too easily result in staid, samey-looking websites, the former is rich in flexibility despite its easy-to-use interface.

Nonetheless, some types of CMS can be much more flexible than others. As you just can’t be certain where you might want to go with your company – and thus also its website – in the long run, choosing an open-source option like the platform could hold you in good stead.

Calculate the (probable) long-term expense

Of course, you can’t be certain how much you will end up spending on using your CMS over, say, the next five years. However, whatever ballpark figure you have in mind, it could potentially be an underestimation – as adding new pages and functionality to your site can quickly grow your costs.

Generally, the more complex a CMS is, the more expensive it can be to regularly use for the long haul. So, you might want to place your faith in a more tried-and-tested solution.

Keep security at the forefront of your mind

Cyber security is an ongoing concern for businesses; reportedly, one small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 19 seconds. So, it would pay for your own business to choose a major host for its CMS, as that host would likely have the resources to keep your CMS security tip-top.  

This is another reason for you to consider, which forms the backbone of the content management systems we set up for our own clients.

Make sure your choice of CMS is SEO-friendly definitely falls into this category – not least due to offering a wealth of functionality. A CMS powered by this platform enables you to easily create, edit and categorise website content on the fly – leaving your site with plenty of SEO benefits to potentially reap.

We can give you a little extra help along the way, too. One of our SEO marketing packages, for example, could effectively augment what you achieve on your own initiative with your CMS.

Your CMS should, above all, be intuitive to use

This is because the main point of opting for a CMS in the first place is to make it easier for you to tweak, overhaul and expand your website without needing to seek outside assistance. Nonetheless, we can hold your hand – so to say – as you endeavour to initially get to grips with a new CMS.

How to select the right CMS for your website

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