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How your SEO goals can drive your website content strategy

If you run a business, you might choose its website’s colours much like choosing those for a car – in other words, like you want to immediately catch the eye. However, the ‘petrol’ that fuels the ultimate success of your website would not be its appearance but instead its SEO.

The acronym stands for ‘search engine optimisation’, which is about attracting organic traffic to a website. If you fail to master your site’s SEO profile, too few people could visit your website for its pretty design to have much effect. That’s why SEO is important.

To foster good SEO for your site, you must fill it with enough of the right content – but how could you do this? Let your SEO concerns be your guide…   

Narrow down your USP (unique selling proposition)

Whatever stage of its growth your business has reached, it might have diversified so much in its services that you have somewhat lost sight of its overall aim. Basically, what is your company’s mission statement? Could you sum it up in just a few words?

Perhaps those words could be placed prominently on your site’s homepage to quickly attract visitors’ attention. Yes, you would need to do that quickly – lest these visitors potentially leave your site and never return. Short, pithy headlines should take centre stage on various pages of that site.

However, the job of these headlines would primarily be to draw people to the site’s longer-form content – as this would further detail how your company is capable of helping these people. In reading this content, they could become increasingly tempted to buy from your brand.

Could SEO help you to put together compelling written content? 

Indeed it could – as, unless this content pops up in enough of the right Google searches, it could barely get noticed by many of your target customers. Before getting underway with creating that content, though, you will need the keys – or, should we say, keywords – to the SEO kingdom.

To figure out what those keywords are, use Google Analytics to see which ones tend to draw people to your site. Then, do a Google search for your products or services. Which sites are listed?

These activities could give you enticing ideas for what are called ‘long-tail’ keywords. These are keywords comprising phrases rather than just single words – as single-word keywords are much more generic in scope and thus harder to rank highly for in Google searches.

How your research efforts could inform your website’s content

Let’s assume you run a tech repair business. If you are based in Darlington and many of your site’s visitors are particularly interested in having their iPhones’ screens repaired, then long-tail keywords you weave into your site’s content could be along the lines of ‘iPhone screen repair in Darlington’.

However, our copywriters can produce a wide range of written content – including web copy and blog posts – for your site, which you can even update yourself by using a CMS (content management system) we are able to implement for you.

5 beginner-friendly tips for improving your website’s SEO

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